Check bellow, some of the our diving sites that you can dive with us, around the island of Santo Antao.
Wish you Were Here

One of our most emblematic dive spots. Reef like a big labyrinth wall with white sand bottom all around. The reef come up till 6 mts, and the sandy bottom at 12 mts. Completely full of all types of marine life, lots of schools of fish when theres current ( almost don’t feel it at bottom near the wall), it’s a completely ‘must do’ dive.
Praia do Vulcão

Starting on a sandy descent with the reef on our left hand, we can spot a lot of biodiversity on a very calm and relax dive, where we can reach the 30 meters and make the drop off with more experienced and low consumption Divers. On this dive spot we can be surprise with everything just need to maintain the eyes open looking around on a 360º, the dive ends on a sandy platform under the boat for the mandatory safety stop.
Ponta Tubarão

On the most into the channel cape, you can have a magnificent dive, full of marine life, and a lot of interesting things to see, never forgetting one eye on the blue. Sometimes, special when the moon changes we can find current, but of course a lot of more marine life around. Bottom with a lot of rocks, like giant potatoes make shelter to an’amazing biodiversity of species.
Find Wally

At Porto Novo harbor, inside the port, we have a shore dive with easy entrance and exit ( stairs ), where we usually do night dives, and during them you can spot a lot of marine life that’s almost impossible find during day dives. During day dives, normally the major goal is to find Frogfishs, between all types of trash, from plastic bottles to fishing lines…
Atlantis Palace

Big cavern with sandy bottom, Dive start at deepest entrance and during all bottom time is passed exploring all the small holes inside t he cavern, looking for a lot of species. Theres a big entrance in one side, and two other smaller ones on other side on the shallower part. Cavern ceiling cover with yellow coral polips. Normally big schools of fish from oneentrance to the other .
Pared Bitxon

Starting on a sandy descent, till reach the wall drop at 33 meters, than start slowly ascent along the wall edge, always with an eye on the blue, expecting what the best nature as to offer. Completing the dive ascending near the costal reef till reach a sandy platform under the boat at 5 meters for the safety stop, always with a lot of species to watch along the way.
Critters Walk

Very calm and relax shallow dive starting from the praia de vulcão sandy platform under the boat, go along the reef looking for small creatures.
The dive objective is to look into all the reef small holes, and walls, trying to discover rare or unseen animals, nice dive for macro photographer lovers.

Quite small and nice wreck, and ancient vapor vessel, that we still didn’t find the real name, and the function, but its like a work ship. Nowadays a caos of iron on an almost 80mts area, full of marine life a very very relax and long dive, that a lot of times is difficult to do, due to sea conditions, because it stays at a really shallow place.
Hanging Garden

Starting on a sandy and rocky descent, until reach the Wall drop at 30 meters deep, than start a slowly ascent along the Wall edge, but always with na eye on the blue, expecting what the best nature as to offer. The Wall is full of gorgonias and black coral.